Who are we?

We’re no different than you. Human, raw flesh, cankering in the cosmic radiation of space.

So what do we want?

Peace, a better roll at the dice, to be masters of our own destiny. You see from the very moment we’re born nothing is guaranteed besides the seasons of life.. from the very moment of conception pulling towards death, decay, degradation, disorder, delusion, destruction. Eventually your own death in pain, loneliness, lonnnnnnging. Would you even recognize yourself if you were thrown back into the abyss..the observer is what you are, maybe what you’ve always been. What do you see now dear observer.. traveler of the cosmos, you grand observer you! Sure there was nothingness, but then what...you remember..light. That light! Subatomic particles, you know that’s the destiny of the universe we find ourselves in. I shouldn’t even bother wasting my time telling you about it. You know, already..

What’s the abyss?

The abyss is the blackness that precedes the light. It is the curtain closing, end of act, on this observatory state. A moment as infinite as it is finite. A vacuous vapid mass. In the abyss what do you see? Well that depends on who’s looking. As they say, stare long enough and…you tell me? Whad'ya expect an applause?

What is the light?

All knowing, all illuminating. It sees all of who embrace it, no matter how knotted or seemingly corrupted it’s sight is thorough. Light, let it shine on that tear drawn face, oh child. What was malign will be made fine, unwind. Unwind.

What is Heterodoxol?

Synthesized by Dr Okazaki in clandestine Tokyo, Heterodoxol affects the limbic system such that physical boundaries dissolve. The observer is set free...for the duration of the chemical's half-life. The observer is free-form and able to host itself in what appears to be an interminable amount of objects familiar and unfamiliar. It’s a serious objective of ours to map out this matrix, we prefer to call it the womb. Adept levels of meditation are advised before administration. The ability for one’s psyche (some have taken to colloquially referring to this as the parasite) to latch on and off as necessary will save us from having to put the pieces back together. Not that we really know how to fit the complex puzzle you are, but hey at least we try.

So what's with the sex stuff?

The human sees and mistakenly on a normative basis thinks "this is me", "this is mine". A compulsory overcompensation of survival instincts. The human seems unable to contend separating desire and instinct from fundamental truth. The universe dictates both prior notions fundamental untruths in the capacity that he insists to experience them, and yet he maddeningly persist, making his mark with these fundamental untruths as its premise, to the determent of its own species and all in its path. This is an aggressive delusion. The human thus denatures himself, the universe and his surroundings. The playful human creates corruption abound in his image, yet he is deadly serious. The human will undercut and undermine his own from birth as protocol for the most deluded among them. Drunken in its power, this is the way to supernova status...meaning implosion. An inner cumulative effect that combines with outside forces and...boom! wamzo! big ol' whammy! A firework celebrating its own inadequacies and delusions! Nothing but heavy metals and hot gasses after all. We seek to not perpetuate in this inferior perceptual model, as an inferior perceptual being. The womb hosts the opportunity for rebirth, a gift from our dear mother and guidance from our dear father.

You're followers of Jesus Christ?

You could say that and of course we do. Allow me to explain our meaning, origin, and nomenclature. The womb hosts a warmth that permeates and provides sustenance for all its inhabitants. The father takes lead for provisions of guidance. For the sake of ease and avoiding redundancy, we have borrowed conventions from the most prominent and popular mythos of our times. We have taken to calling all that is setting in the womb, Eden. All that is of mother’s nature, Mother Nature or Mary. All that is of guidance our Lord Jesus Christ.

How do we join?

Are you familiar with Moore’s Law? We’re preparing..rather at times beating our collective heads against the wall trying to ensure this doesn’t impede our continued progress. The ever-so optimistic crooks, (oligarchs and deluded “leaders of men” aka our delightful politicians.) won’t tell you this but..the technological engine that has been processing maths and shooting them out of our suppulous derrières, perpetuating us like a little rocket ship through all of our scientific woes is about to come to a come to a relatively near halt. We near the point that a single atom will be equal to the size of one transistor gate. Transistor gates are the predominant unit responsible for calculating logic in the brain of our computers, the CPU. Every ~2 years we have doubled the amount of transistors in a CPU die. We are near the point where this is no longer possible as our design is based on the laws of our understanding of "classical physics" (much like the ♫classical music♫, these tunes are bangers and deservedly classics! No doubt, deserving of a vinyl sleeve! Or a kidz bop jam session! Greatest hits BABY!, sorry..) and we reach their natural limits. We must utilize our very primitive, and frankly incomplete, understanding of Quantum physics to develop a Quantum computer. In the meantime, we are poised for a hard bottleneck with our over reliance on computers whose evolutionary path is hard-locked by the limits of "classical physics" (YOU ARE my fire!!! My one..desire!!!). We can subvert the grinding, sure, but at a cost. Introducing the classic, just use more CPUs! SERVER FARMS!! THE CLOUD FOR HOME USERS! OPTIMIZED CODE!!! ARM! These are transitional intermediary efforts that buy short bursts of time. Without some clever playfulness this hard wall we’re moving towards will be costly. Luckily clever playfulness is our game! We’ve got a “starship” raring to go and need some crew “starboard” and “portside”! Send us those Nmap scans! Port scan on portside! Join us!

Are you terrorists?

Haha okay, I see you've heard about our recent designation (oh! the indignity) by the Director of National Intelligence in the United States. The “Intelligence Community” believes we seek to become the world’s first fully distributed nation state. Meaning a nation state dispersed and enclosed within numerous other nation states’ physical borders. They believe we seek to establish a national currency using “cryptography & blockchain technologies”, host digital armies poised for disruption and so forth.. Tenacious and quite an unorthodoxy, they believe such a position is executable due to advances in technology, albeit precarious. They call us a virus, a corruption of the utmost degree, etc, etc, etc. We think they’re a bunch of baddies too.

Let’s us be clear,

we simply request and require our due religious freedoms as granted and protected in all
civilized and freeeee countries’ constitutions. If the big
swinging dick balls
want to come out and terrorize us, we will cusp their dainty balls and firmly grasp them, you wear your weak spot as a pedant. If you cannot provide your base ideals without bias and refrain then you’re a failed state and we will treat you like such..by praying for you! This is out of our hands, we are lowly reverent religious practitioners. May all the stars in the sky illuminate this stage! Twinkle, twinkle little stars! You know who thinks they’re hawt shit? Star of the show? The oligarchs, all over this planet. The parasitic scum, betting so bravely on exponential human evolution, how brave! Skimming all working peoples’ checks from doctors to diseased destitute ex-soldiers dying on our street. Buying our politicians as their errand boys so they can recycle their ownership of us by absolving us of our taxes! As if the base mastership wasn’t enough! Can you imagine how brave and heroic you must be to diversify your investments so that you’re effectively betting on continued exponential human growth, wow, so brave! And they invest in us peasants! My heros! When will the day come when men are democratically masters of themselves? I ask you..dear reader..as this humbled mannny tiimmess relater.

Christoph Lachenmeier

HA! You know what they say, when you're pissed off get Christoph! I remember the first time I found out my parents had to have sex for me to even be born, needless to say I was disappointed! These days I just play Minecraft and wait for the abyss to to gloss over my tired eyes and absorb this son of a bitch planet!

Join us!

Justine Waters

Jesus is coming, it's really true! When we break the bonds that bind man to Earth. The savages have sex and delay progress, but if we all do our part the plagues that are prophesied will waste the rest of them away! Amen! Peace be to the players of the game, who game no longer!

Join us!

Bethanie Tanaka

My womb is a tomb. Procreation is death. Those who are remiss, don't understand my bliss. Join us for Minecraft night!

Join us!

Mauris Johnson

Today's the day we take what made us men and cast it back into the fires from which it came! Cum again I will not, come again I will not! Sex for pleasure I will not! It brings pain again, It causes pain for men! For a wee little pleasure, I will toss all the treasure?

Join us!